Since my sewing & crafting spaces are currently a disaster, I figured it’s the perfect time for another Honest Craft Room.
Creativity Slump, THE LITTLE RED DRESS PROJECT, New Dress Form + Contest Winner
Hello sewing friends! Lately, I’ve been experiencing a bit of a creative slump with my sewing, and it’s THE WORST!
Sewing Patterns I Dont Have Time For & New Pressing Tools
Even though I don’t have nearly enough time for sewing and am probably one of the slowest in the world, that didn’t stop me from buying more sewing patterns!
THE SEAMSTRESS TAG | Sewing Report (Yep, I crashed this thing!)
Fellow sewing vlogger Hollie Sews has started #TheSeamstressTag to get some mojo going in the sewing community. It looked like a ton of fun, so I thought I’d join in!
Stash Builder Box September 2016 Unboxing [Sewing & Quilting Subscription Box Review]
Thinking about a sewing / quilting subscription box? There are several choices, but in the end I went with Stash Builder Box. Watch me open the September 2016 box, and talk through my decision to go with SBB over Fat Quarter Shop’s Sew Sampler and Quilty Box.