Whether we like it or not, the sewing community has a bit of a dilemma – we NEED more people sewing (particularly younger people and males) to keep this industry alive and sustainable.
I Am DYING Over This Old YouTube Video…
It’s 4AM, and I should be sleeping. But instead I’m watching this hysterical video about what seamstresses have to put up with.
Who Won Big at QuiltCon 2017???
Quilters are out in full force in Savannah, GA this week for QuiltCon – but out of the 1,500 submitted quilts – who won this juried show?
Those Times the Quilting Community Blows Me Away
The quilting community is at its best during the worst times.
Creativity Slump, THE LITTLE RED DRESS PROJECT, New Dress Form + Contest Winner
Hello sewing friends! Lately, I’ve been experiencing a bit of a creative slump with my sewing, and it’s THE WORST!