Nearing the finish line in the Michael Miller fabric challenge for the Sewtopia retreat in Atlanta and showing you how I finish my ends using a serger.
New Books from C&T Publishing Dropping May 2016
Our friends at C&T Publishing gave Sewing Report a sneak peek at new titles coming out this spring – take a look!
I Am Devastated by the Loss of Hancock Fabrics
Seriously Hancock Fabrics, how can you do this to me???
Do You Need an Expensive Steam Iron?
Do you need a fancy, expensive steam iron for sewing and quilting – or would a budget-friendly version work just fine? Jennifer compares two – the Sunbeam Steam Master and the cordless Panasonic 360 Freestyle.
Sewing Report VLOGS #2: Sewtopia Fabric Challenge Continues
Continuing with the Michael Miller fabric challenge for the Sewtopia retreat in Atlanta and trying to unwind from a stressful week – plus I’m all about Snapchat now!