The Brother PE900 is significantly more expensive than the Brother PE800, but is it worth the extra cost?
Rulers + Templates: How Many Do We REALLY Need?
That’s the question: how many rulers + templates do we actually need for sewing and quilting?
A Pin Cushion You Can WEAR! SewTites Magnetic Straight Pin Holder
Testing out a new product for the Sewing Report Etsy shop a wearable magnetic pin cushion by SewTites!
Can the Sewing Community Handle ‘Honest Pattern Reviews’?
There’s a new Instagram account on the scene @honestpatternreviews where anyone can anonymously submit sewing pattern confessions, then the screenshots are posted publicly.
This Dollar Store Cleaner is *Totally Awesome*
Finally tried LA’s Totally Awesome cleaner from the dollar store and it is a GAME CHANGER!