There’s a new Instagram account on the scene @honestpatternreviews where anyone can anonymously submit sewing pattern confessions, then the screenshots are posted publicly.
This Dollar Store Cleaner is *Totally Awesome*
Finally tried LA’s Totally Awesome cleaner from the dollar store and it is a GAME CHANGER!
How to Download Embroidery Designs + Transfer from Computer to Embroidery Machine
FAQ: How do you download embroidery design files, then transfer them from a computer to the embroidery machine?
Where to Buy Blanks for Embroidery + Craft Projects (T-Shirts, Hoodies, Towels, Hats)
Where are the best places to get embroidery blanks on the cheap? I’m sharing my top sources with the best prices for buying T-shirts, hoodies, towels, hats, home textiles + more.
New Cricut Dupe? LOKLIK Crafter cutting machine
There’s a new electronic cutting machine hitting the market… and it looks like a direct knockoff for the Cricut Maker.