We need to talk about the reality of sewing “everyday” items with quilting cotton.
Hole in Your Pants Pocket? Quick Fix with a Sewing Machine
Recently I bought a new pair of sweatpants that arrived with a hole in the pocket, so I fixed it myself at the sewing machine.
$72 Chanel Bag DIY | Designer Purse Hack
Back with a new & improved way to convert the “free” Chanel cosmetic bags into a wearable purse.
Snow Hoop Ornaments | Low-Sew Christmas Crafts
Let’s do some easygoing Christmas crafting with this cute low-sew pattern Snow Hoop Ornaments by Linen Bouquet.
Who is Behind the LOKLiK Crafter + HTVRONT Companies?
After my rather bizarre interactions with the PR firm representing the LOKLiK Crafter product launch, I looked into who actually owns and runs this organization and sister company HTVRONT.