Recently, I used the combined powers of my serger and embroidery machine to DIY a fleece blanket with finished edges and a personalized monogram.
12 Quick Tips for Sewing Better Face Masks
Sharing 12 quick tips for sewing better face masks – both the surgical and closer fitting styles.
Bluprint Offers FREE Access to Creative Education Classes
During the 14 day event, Bluprint will provide free access to their full slate of content, making this the perfect time to learn a new craft or hobby.
Hospitals Accepting Face Masks from Sewing Community – UPDATED LIST
In the ongoing battle against the Coronavirus (COVID-19), select hospital systems have made a public call to sew face masks and put out guidance with their requirements.
Quilt Shop Owner on Tough Reality of the Sewing Industry | SEWING CHAT
During this time of self-quarantine, let’s chat with Brenda Ratliffe, owner of Pink Castle Fabrics and The Stitchery Sewing Center in Michigan.