Recently, I set up shop on Etsy and learned a lot in the process so I want to share that knowledge with you.
Why I’m Canceling My Craftsy Membership in 2021
After being a longtime Craftsy / Bluprint customer for over 5 years, plus an affiliate promoting the online learning platform here at the Sewing Report – I have made the decision to cancel my membership subscription when it runs out in March 2021.
Going Through My ENTIRE Fabric Collection (7 Years) + Chatty Life Update
Lets go through my entire fabric collection accumulated over the past 7 years, plus chat about life and how things are going.
Making My Own BTS Merch: Cricut DIY Edition | 방탄 소년단
Hello. Do you know BTS? Well, you’re about to because we’re making 5 more BTS DIY projects: Cricut crafts edition.
5 Crafty Sorority DIY Ideas | Perfect for Big / Little Gifts
This one’s for all the sorority sisters out there – showing you how to make 5 crafty DIY projects using the Cricut Maker, embroidery machine, and basic sewing machine.