After seeing countless Facebook ads for Bearly Art Precision Craft Glue, I bought it myself to do an unsponsored, unbiased review of this product.
Blown Away by YOUR Sewing Projects | Sewing Report Reacts #1
Reacting to YOUR sewing and quilting projects, and boy was I impressed by the submissions!
Laminate Your Own Fabric with Iron-On Vinyl – Cheaper Than Buying? *Not Sponsored*
This is a quick video showing you how to apply the iron-on vinyl product and a product review that compares the cost of creating your own laminated fabric vs. buying laminated cotton fabric.
8+ Yards of Bias Tape from ONE Piece of Fabric | Quick Sewing Hack
In this episode of the Sewing Report, I tried a well-known easy hack to create continuous bias tape from one square of fabric, sewing only two seams.
My Favorite Fast & Easy Sewing Patterns / Tutorials (MOSTLY FREE!)
This one’s for the beginners – I’m sharing my favorite fast *and* easy sewing patterns / tutorials.