Can you put a walking foot on an industrial sewing machine? For the past couple months, I’ve been attempting to find a solution to be able to do this on the Juki DDL-8700.
DIY Bed Set for IKEA Duktig Bed | Easy Sewing Project Tutorial
IKEA’s Duktig Doll Bed has become a Pinterest and Instagram favorite not only for kids, but for pet owners.
What’s New at IKEA? | Sewing + Craft Room Inspo 2022
What’s new at IKEA for 2022? Join me as I tour my local store in Tampa, Florida on the hunt for sewing + craft room inspiration!
Watch This *BEFORE* Starting an Etsy Shop
Opening an Etsy shop to sell your handmade crafts for money can be very exciting, but there’s a lot you should know before starting a small online business…
Hooping & Embroidering a Hoodie | Appliqué Design on Embroidery Machine
Special project on a Goodwill find! In this episode I’ll demonstrate how I hoop and stitch out an appliqué design.